Focus on flotation reagents for oxidized ores

Over 20 years of research and development

Tungsten and tin ore flotation collectors
1. Hydroxamic acid medicament Description: Our company produces various types of hydroxamic acid and sodium salts. The hydroxamic acid is a pink crystal, and the sodium salt is a white powder. It has been applied to Shizhuyuan tungsten mine in Hunan and many tin ore dressing plants in Myanmar.   2. Fatty acid medicament Note: Our company used to be a manufacturer of oxidized paraffin soap. Due to the environmental pollution caused by this product, our company has been committed to research on alternative products of oxidized paraffin soap for many years. In 2018, we achieved success and successfully applied them to mineral processing production. The substitute product has better performance compared to oxidized paraffin soap and good low-temperature performance

Address: Station Industrial Park, Xiaonan Industrial Development Zone, Xiaogan City, Hubei Province Tel: +86-712-2597216 0712-2597218 Fax: +86-712-2597219 Contact: +86-13508690800 (Manager Zhang)




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